Monday, January 31, 2011

Per popular request - why I got a Kindle...

Friends, I love books. They have been a huge part of my life since I figured out how to read in first grade. Reading has defined me, has taught me many things, has been my close companion when things get rough, has amused me and made me cry.

Heck, reading is so important to me that I can actually remember the day I figured it out.

I was sitting in my tiny first grade desk, turning pages in my reader and perusing the pictures. I remember looking down and realizing that I knew what the words said. This was revelatory. I don't remember how I came to understand that fact, and since I now teach reading, I know that lots of little skills need to be in place for it to be successful.

Being in a Catholic school, of course, made me fearful. Who needs to be cajoled to behave when God himself is embodied in the figure of a Catholic nun, rosary hanging down to her knees from her waist, her habit and wimple covering just about every square inch of skin and leaving exposed a set of eyes that are capable of boring through your skull to uncover the unsavory thoughts beneath?

To put it in other words, I was afraid to let anyone know that I had figured out this reading thing because I thought I would get in trouble. So I played along.

Since that day, I have been hooked.

But this is about my latest toy, isn't it?

Let me say this - I love books. In fact, they are threatening to take over my house.

I love big books too - the kind that hit the floor with a bang when you fall asleep reading them.

I love having book shelves. When I visit someone's house, I make a beeline for their book shelves. What a person displays speaks volumes about him or her.

Knowing all of this about myself, I held off on getting a Kindle for years. Sure, it sounded cool, and even Stephen King came out with a giddy endorsement.

Nah, not for me, I kept saying. I like holding a book.

Then I got Kelsey one for Christmas. I fell in love.

I don't ever plan to stop buying books. I get too much pleasure out of opening and turning pages. But here's the reasons I love my new toy:

It is very portable. I recently finished a fantasy novel called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I loved this book. It is almost 1000 pages long, and even the trade paperback must weigh five pounds. I lugged the thing around with me everywhere. My wrists got tired holding it up in bed at night. Now, if I'd had my Kindle, none of this would have been a problem. I can keep my Kindle in my purse.

It provides instant gratification. I have read so many books that were part of a series over the years, and been frustrated looking or waiting for the next volume. Click on the Kindle and I can have the new title instantly.

You can download samples of books for free. My sister-in-law, bless her, just talked me through how to do this. I'm usually pretty certain I want to read a book if I buy it, but this feature should guarantee that I don't waste money on duds that I never finish.

I can read Twilight in public and no one will know. OK, I have never read Twilight, nor do I plan to, but should I want to read it, I won't be an object of derision. Sorry, Twilight fans.

Books in the public domain are FREE. This includes lots and lots of classics that I should have read, but haven't. Jane Austen, here I come.

It is easy to use. Even for a Luddite like me, who has never mastered texting, and barely knows how to answer a cell phone, the Kindle seems pretty idiot-proof.

So, that's the poop on the Kindle. I think we're going to have a beautiful friendship.

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