Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday morning....

Today, a Saturday, I woke up while it was still dark - about 6:15 am. Because I had fallen asleep at 9 pm (thanks, Julia Glass, but your new novel is really a snoozer), I decided that 9 hours of slumber was enough, and hauled myself out of bed.

I fumbled around in the dark for my slippers. I can no longer keep them next to the bed because my Golden Lab puppy considers them a chew toy, so I have to hide them on a high shelf in the closet. Luckily, I was able to locate them without knocking over anything.

I made coffee, and I poured myself a cup before the pot had finished brewing. This is one of my secret vices, and has been, believe it or not, the subject of the most vehement arguments between my husband and me over the last few years.

But I digress.

Faced with a long stretch of quiet and peace, I pondered what I should do. Years ago, when my kids were small, I would have used this time to accomplish something clean out a closet or wash windows.

Now - not so much.

I used to be an absolute ogre about my house. It had to be clean all of the time. I would never consider going to bed with dishes on the counter, and, like an obsessed scullery maid, I would crawl around on the kitchen floor with a damp paper towel to make sure that every spot or spill had been annihilated.

I continued with this irrational behavior even though my kids were toddlers, capable of destroying a room in a matter of minutes. I persisted even though we had a big black Labrador whose shedding output could create enough fur to weave an afghan at least twice a day.

In short, I was nuts.

Funny how life changes. This morning, I sat on the deck and looked at the stars. I watched dawn break over the trees. I drank two cups of very strong coffee and played with my dog. I considered doing the laundry. I decided to go to the dog park instead.

I can only wish now that I had been a little more relaxed and a little less neurotic when my kids were little. I probably would have played with them more and cleaned a little less.

So, this morning as I briefly considered washing down the cabinets I reminded myself that I'm all better now.

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